You will be able to order prints to renew your photo tiles and gallery wall from the middle of February.

Renew your photo wall

Have you ordered photo tiles or a gallery wall from us before, but feel like a change? Swapping one or more photos couldn't be easier.

Swap your photos with ease

Select the size and type of frame and we'll make sure that you get the right size print. Your new photo is guaranteed to fit its frame perfectly.

Equal high quality

The use of identical paper and ink results in consistent colors and a matching finish.

Looking to expand your photo wall?

Gallery Wall - Coordinated frame sizes makes adding extra frames super easy.

Photo Tiles - Easily add more photo tiles thanks to the self-adhesive magnetic strips.

FSC® certified premium photo paper
Shipped within 1-3 working days
Quality control & satisfaction guarantee
SizePrint photo tilePrint gallery wallStandard print
22×22 cm€ 6,95--
30×40 cm-€ 21,95-
40×40 cm-€ 23,95€ 23,95
40×50 cm-€ 25,95€ 25,95
50×50 cm-€ 27,95€ 27,95
50×70 cm-€ 29,95€ 29,95
60×60 cm-€ 32,95€ 32,95